Business Plan Guideline

Please see the following attached link for a very good visual guide on helping you write out a business plan. Its a great time to start early and whilst at university to get all the support you can from more experienced people around you.

A business plan can also help shape your studio/agency and make you think of new areas of business. It may seem a little daunting but don’t be scared and go in with an open mind…

Click to access EPBusinessPlanGuideNov12.pdf

You can also find the templates at –

When you are in talks with a client and at that awkward stage of what to charge, you can save a lot of time and hassle by simply asking what their ‘Marketing Budget’ is.

This will also sound a lot more professional and you can get straight to the point on how serious they are with their design work and business…

Tips for designing a magazine Ad

If you are setting up a studio where you would like to work within advertising check this link out

It has some nice little tips. Whilst you are still a student do as many briefs as you can to get an idea on what goes into working on an advert.

I can’t stress enough about networking with other creatives and you are in the best place full of creative talent to get key contacts on board now. There are many people who can work on an advert from a designer, to account handlers, art directors and photographers. Every agency/studio has their preferred freelancers and it is now  a great time to collaborate and get yours!

If there are no live briefs to work on then make one up or get in contact and I will set you one to test your skills…